

Page history last edited by 楊聰榮 Edwin Tsung-Rong Yang 1 year, 10 months ago


B.7 Category 6: Indirect GHG emissions from other sources

The purpose of this category is to capture any organization specific emission (or removal) that cannot be reported in any other category. In consequence, it is the organization’s responsibility to define the content of this particular category.



B.7 類別 6:其他來源的間接溫室氣體排放 此類別的目的是捕捉任何組織特定的排放(或清除),無法在任何其他類別中報告。因此,組織有責任定義此特定類別的內容。



Category 8: Other Upstream

This category includes upstream emissions that are not covered by categories 1 through 7, such as emissions from upstream fuel transportation and distribution, and upstream emissions from the production of fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals used in agriculture. This category also includes emissions from the upstream production and transportation of biomass feedstocks used for biofuels.

Companies may choose to subcategorize emissions in this category to better understand the sources of emissions. For example, subcategories could include emissions from upstream fuel transportation, upstream emissions from the production of fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals used in agriculture, and upstream emissions from the production and transportation of biomass feedstocks for biofuels. Companies should define their subcategories clearly in their public reports.


and transportation of biomass feedstocks for biofuels. Companies should define their subcategories clearly in their public reports.








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