

Page history last edited by 楊聰榮 Edwin Tsung-Rong Yang 1 year, 9 months ago

GHG Category 7:員工通勤是指員工在家與工作場所之間的交通所產生的排放量。該類別包括不同的交通模式,包括汽車、公車、鐵路、航空和其他模式,例如騎自行車、步行或搭乘地鐵。在這個類別中也可以包含遠距工作的排放量。公司必須報告員工通勤的範疇 3 排放量,其中包括員工和第三方交通提供商的範疇 1 和範疇 2 排放量。

公司可以使用不同的方法來計算員工通勤的範疇 3 排放量,例如基於燃料使用量、基於距離、或基於平均數據的方法。基於燃料使用量的方法通過確定通勤過程中消耗的燃料量,並應用相應的排放係數來計算排放量。另一方面,基於距離的方法需要收集員工的總通勤距離和使用的交通工具。基於平均數據的方法根據國家或平均通勤模式的數據來估算排放量。






總之,員工通勤是許多公司GHG排放的重要來源。通過關注GHG Category 7並實施減排策略,公司可以幫助減輕其對環境的影響,同時從改善員工滿意度和節省成本等方面受益。



員工通勤所造成的溫室氣體排放對於希望減少碳足跡的企業來說越來越重要。GHG 第 7 類別「員工通勤」包括員工在家和工作場所之間的通勤排放。在員工交通非常依賴個人車輛的地區,這些排放可能會相當顯著。




企業可以運用多種方法計算員工通勤的範圍 3 排放,包括燃料基礎法、距離基礎法或是花費基礎法。燃料基礎法是透過確定員工通勤所使用的燃料量,並應用該燃料的適當排放因子。距離基礎法是透過確定員工通勤的距離和交通方式,並應用所使用交通方式的適當排放因子。花費基礎法是透過確定每種交通方式的花費金額,並應用次要排放因子來計算排放量。









總之,員工通勤是許多公司碳排放的重要來源。通過關注GHG Category 7並實施減排策略,公司可以幫助減少對環境的影響,同時從提高員工滿意度和節省成本等方面受益。公司還應該設定目標並追踪員工通勤排放的減少進度,定期公佈減排成果,以提高公司的透明度和責任感。



GHG emissions from employee commuting have become an increasingly important issue for companies seeking to reduce their carbon footprint. GHG Category 7, Employee Commuting, includes emissions from the transportation of employees between their homes and their worksites. These emissions can be significant, especially in areas where employees rely heavily on personal vehicles for transportation.


The transportation modes that contribute to emissions from employee commuting include automobile travel, bus travel, rail travel, air travel, and other modes of transportation such as biking and walking. Companies may also choose to include emissions from teleworking in this category.


To calculate scope 3 emissions from employee commuting, companies may use one of several methods, including the fuel-based method, distance-based method, or spend-based method. The fuel-based method involves determining the amount of fuel consumed during employee commuting and applying the appropriate emission factor for that fuel. The distance-based method involves determining the distance and mode of employee commuting and applying the appropriate emission factor for the mode used. The spend-based method involves determining the amount of money spent on each mode of transportation and applying secondary emission factors.


There are several strategies that companies can use to reduce their emissions from employee commuting. One approach is to promote alternative transportation options, such as carpooling, public transportation, biking, or walking. Offering incentives for employees who use these alternative modes of transportation can help to encourage their use. Companies may also choose to provide electric vehicle charging stations or subsidize the use of electric vehicles to reduce emissions from employee commuting.


Another strategy is to allow employees to work remotely or telework. This can reduce the need for commuting altogether and can also provide benefits such as increased flexibility and work-life balance. Implementing policies to support teleworking can be an effective way to reduce emissions from employee commuting.


Finally, it is important for companies to set goals and track their progress in reducing emissions from employee commuting. This can involve setting targets for reducing emissions or increasing the use of alternative transportation options. Regular reporting on progress can help to increase accountability and transparency.


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